The Silver Book pendant


Selecting the right gift is a challenge by itself, let alone making one. Especially when gift receiver is a happy person. If you think about it – the hardest choice you make selecting a gift is for someone who already has everything he or she needs and happy about it. On top of that such person is usually so polite that you will never know if your gift was not good. My observation concludes that happier people need less stuff, therefore it is bloody difficult to surprise them with a proper gift. There are plenty of articles out there intended to help with this task, here is a recent example I stumble across surfing around.

The Silver Book
The Silver Book pendant

Once I was desperately trying to figure out a special gift for my wife’s birthday, when it suddenly came to me – this is exactly what my concept of meaningful jewellery is about. So I just had to look closer for a thing which she relates the most to. It wasn’t too hard I must say: she is currently writing a post apocalyptic novel with a code name something about a drop of gold. Thus it came kinda naturally that the gift should represent a book with and reflection of its code name. I was so happy about choosing the concept that I didn’t realise that I’ve got less than 2 weeks to bring it to life.

Forging the gift

Not to linger any longer I started sketching. For quite some time I already had a nice golden tiger’s eye teardrop stone lying around and finally its time has come. It will play a main role in this project implying a reference to a future novel. Considering the stone size I decided to make a pendant as I figured that ring might be ridiculously large.


After few pages of sketching I got a bit frustrated. There were just too many design ideas and I have no idea how to proceed. At some point I managed to realise that I just have to get started and steer along the way. Sort of an agile production.

First frame

Naturally the first building block is a book frame. I wasn’t sure that I have enough square wire for this project, hence the common 1.0mm round one was the optimal choice. Once the wire was bent in square frame I soldered the joint and it gave me a feeling of a good start.

Soldered and flattened frames

Then I flattened it out on my new Chelyabinsk made anvil that I’ve got from my schoolmate (thanks Yurko!). It looked all right even though it required a bit of pliers work here and there. Well, one side of the book (rather its wireframe) is done and here comes a second one. It took me few attempts to make identical one, but it was worth the effort.

Overall layout

Having two square rings (if you know what I mean) was an important milestone for me, but still it didn’t give me an overall picture of how it all should get together in the end. The centrepiece of this pendant will of course be the stone – golden tiger’s eye teardrop. I’ve got this one at a mineralogists fair in my town. I used a 1.2mm wide strip to make a bezel casting for it and I was looking forward to practice stone setting technique.

Second thoughts

Even though I was quite proud of myself completing the framework for the book, I got into a panic mode at some point. The deadline was coming down fast and there is still so much to do. Frustration was so intense that I even considered changing the concept to make a shortcut and make it in time. I guess it’s a good thing I didn’t.

Second thoughts

It seems like my student spirit visited me and whispered “relax, there’s still time”. Only this was far from truth – there were only 2 days at my disposal. Luckily I managed to pull myself together and dove into the crafting. Unfortunately my phone got pregnant with a faulty battery and I couldn’t get any more pictures of the manufacturing process.


After few spikes of high productivity the Silver Book was completed. I almost made it in time, slight delay even built more excitement around this mysterious gift. Finally it was well worth it – I am extremely pleased that I managed to pull this off and made my wife happily hopping around the house! She was so excited about it that she decided to make an artistic photoshoot for this book. Enjoy the gallery below!

Unfortunately, this item is not available for purchase. If you dream about something similar, please check my Etsy store or contact me through the form or on Instagram and let’s see what I can do 🙂

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