Old-fashion camera pendant

There is a lot of inspiration in common everyday things. This story is about crafting a camera-shaped silver pendant inspired by a a T-shirt I bought myself one day on my way home.

A collage of all sorts of cameras was printed on that T-shirt and it caught my attention instantly. Simultaneously it triggered an idea in my mind – would be really cool to turn those printed cameras into real things. This is where a series of camera pendants has started to appear.

The first project in this series was a silver camera I made as a birthday gift to my colleague back then and it seemed to be a perfect one – you can ready the story in this article. It was a classic shape camera and I had a great fun making it. However, I was looking for a bit more challenging project and the old school camera came into place.

This piece is still available for purchase. If you are interested please visit my Etsy Store or send me a DM in my Instagram to talk business 🙂

There are few camera shaped projects I already completed and it seems that people like it a lot especially if they have a thing for a photography. Just check this heartwarming comment I’ve got for this camera project.

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