High-heeled filigree pendant

I am particularly proud of this creation and I believe it is the best artwork I produced so far.

High-heeled sandal

I’ve been alway fond of good shoes. Probably one of the reasons is that I used to be jealous of my schoolmates wearing cool branded sneakers, while I could hardly afford some cheap charlie boots for myself. Also once I had a chance to see how the real shoes are being produced on a shoe factory just outside my city.

Once I’ve stumbled upon an article about a craftsman who got seriously fascinated by shoes and dedicated his life designing the perfect footwear for women. This is where an idea popped in my head: if shoes can be that extraordinary – it might as well be an art!

Silver shoe

It took me a long time to get over my doubts and commence this project. After a number of copper wire mockups it seemed more and more doable and finally I’ve got enough motivation to drive it forward.

The result was astonishing! I was so proud of myself that only after the polishing was finished I figured that no picture of the making process were taken.

I am now planning to create a whole series of shoe-like pendants and earrings (not yet sure how to design a high-heeled ring). Make sure to check this blog regularly and subscribe to my Instagram channel.

UPD: I run a lottery giveaway within my friends on Facebook where they could sign up anyone except themselves. The winner seems to be thrilled about her new pendant and here is what she shared upon receiving the prize!

I feel lucky to have a way to cause people smiles and make them a little bit happier 🙂